Relationship How To’s: How to get her to like you (1)

A great deal goes into getting someone to like you, so I will have to break this down into a few posts.

For now, I will just introduce the basics with an overview of everything. Later, we’ll get into the details.

I have to point out that this post applies mostly to situations where you are either lightly acquainted with the girl, or you don’t know her at all. If you’re looking for some pointers on how to get a girl that you already know well, you’ll have to stick around until I get to that topic; it’s a lot more complicated.

So, you see attractive women here and there.. but you stop and ask yourself: What the hell can I do to get her?

Here’s the deal. You have to look like someone she wants. You have to act like someone she wants, and you have to interact like someone she wants. There’s bad news too. There is no sure-fire way to get any particular girl. However, there are things you can do that will statistically increase your chances of getting any girl.

Picking up a girl can be broken down into steps that are VERY difficult to change the order of. Let me present them in a bullet-point format:

1) Establishing contact
2) First impression: Visual
a. What you wear and how you groom
b. How you carry yourself
3) Second impression: Interpersonal
a. How you carry yourself
i. Relaxed look
ii. How you talk
1. How you speak
2. What you speak about
3. Who and what is the target of the conversation
4) Ending the contact
a. Hope of future interaction

We need to break up the process into small steps in order for us to more easily see where our problems may lie. A great deal goes into each step on the above outline, and we will discuss each point per article.

First comes the visual contact. How you dress, how you act, how you carry yourself, how you walk and your facial expression is crucial. Then, comes the talking phase. Most men would rather die than do this. Here, for example, it is more important HOW we speak than what we say. Yes, I know. It’s shocking, but it’s true (look up the research articles if you don’t believe me). Finally, how we end the conversation is very important. The first (visual) and last impressions are very powerful (saying goodbye). Generally people remember the beginning and the end the most. So, a great deal goes into the ending as well.

Now that you have an overview, the next article will cover the aspects of making good first visual impressions.